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Guide: What Not To Do
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Published in Travel Tips Category.

Thing Not To Do Costa Rica

A vacation to Costa Rica may be either the most amazing experience of your life or the worst horror. The ability to obey these do-nots is what separates these two extremes. But don't worry; they're fairly straightforward, and some even border on common sense.

Never leave valuables unattended

Unfortunately, theft is one of the most widespread crimes in Costa Rica. Expect important items to be taken if you leave them in plain sight and unsecured, such as on the beach or in your car. Passports, laptops, money, sunglasses, and shoes are popular targets for thieves. However, there is a simple remedy. Keep an eye on your stuff at all times, store everything you don't need right away in a safe or secure location, make copies of your passport and credit cards, hide your cash in several places, and always lock your car and accommodations.

Visit the beach at night

Most beaches are poorly illuminated, giving thieves the perfect cover to rob or harm unsuspecting nighttime beachgoers. While not always the case, robberies and different types of assaults have occurred on Costa Rican beaches at night. It is best to avoid dark and deserted beach areas, especially if you are alone.

Purchase medications

Costa Rica has a cheap and plentiful supply of drugs, particularly cocaine. Even if possession of narcotics for immediate personal use has been decriminalised, drug regulations remain tight, and what constitutes personal use is difficult to define. If you violate the drug control regulations, you could face a lengthy sentence in a Costa Rican prison. Don't take any chances; stay away from narcotics entirely. If you want to get wild, try the local brews or Cacique Guaro (a sugar-based liqueur).


Costa Rica is known for being a risky area to drive. Driving here is full of unforeseen hazards due to the narrow roads, abrupt curves, potholes, unpaved portions, lack of guard rails, bike paths, sidewalks and road signs, and frighteningly fast or stupidly sluggish drivers. Not to mention the dogs, iguanas, monkeys, sloths, cows, goats, chickens, and other animals that cross the road without being noticed. Accept the pura vida lifestle and get from point A to point B. If you stick to the speed limit, you'll always arrive when you're supposed to.

Swim in front of a wave

There are swimming and surfing beaches, but mixing the two is a prescription for disaster. Finding a beach where you can surf and swim is not uncommon, but the specific sections for each vary. This needs to be more common sense. Do not swim straight in front of a group of people surfing. Many of Costa Rica's surf breaks include a forceful punch, rip currents, and diverse surfing abilities. Choose a swimming place away from surfers to avoid being hit by an inexperienced surfer or swept out to sea.

Take a refreshing dip in the river

Crocodiles have claimed the waterways on both sides of the country. Bull sharks enjoy muddy river mouths and have been observed swimming upstream. Raw sewage and other contaminants can also make their way into river systems. Cool on the beach, swimming pools, or natural springs are ideal.

Can you acquire a foundation tan?

Costa Rica lies relatively close to the equator. Therefore the sun's strength is significantly greater here than in countries further away from this lateral strip. It would help if you used sunscreen whenever you go outside. Even if you use SPF50, you will get sunburned and leave Costa Rica more tanned than when you arrived. One day of not wearing sunscreen can ruin the remainder of your vacation. Wear earth- and reef-friendly sunscreen to avoid harming the ecosystem or your body.

Avoid using mosquito repellent.

While the rainy season is typically more mosquito-infested than the dry season, mosquitos are prevalent in Costa Rica all year. In Costa Rica, some mosquitos carry dengue, chikungunya, and zika. Avoid getting sick and itching by making repellent application part of your daily and overnight routine in Costa Rica. Many restaurants, bars, and hotels even provide insect repellent to their customers.

Fail to hydrate

Costa Rica's heat and sun suck the liquid right out of you, especially if you're participating in any of the fantastic outdoor sports that are popular here. Staying hydrated is essential for remaining happy and healthy when on vacation. It's a good idea to carry a usable water bottle from home or buy one here and have it filled and close at hand at all times. A decent rule of thumb is to drink two litres of water daily, with an additional half litre for every hour of hard activity. Dehydration can land you in the hospital, the last place you want to be on vacation.

Interfering with wildlife

Costa Rica is endowed with a plethora of animals. Human interaction, unfortunately, has had a disastrous effect on certain animals and ecosystems. One year, for example, in Playa Ostional, the famous Olive Ridley sea turtle nesting beach, many mother sea turtles turned around without laying a single egg because people were crowding their space and getting too close to the expectant mothers to take photos and touch them. In Playa Tamarindo, for example, two crocodile attacks occurred in one year. Estuary boat tour captains began feeding the crocodiles to bring them in, and they started linking humans with food. Enjoy Costa Rica's animals from a respectful distance; remember, this is their home, and you are a visitor.

Leaving More

Costa Rica is one of the most stunningly gorgeous places on the earth. It is abundant in fauna, has different landscapes, and has dynamic ecosystems. Let's keep it like this. Let's leave it in better condition than we found it. Tread lightly, take plenty of photos, and pick up rubbish if you encounter it. Take no shells, plants, or animals with you. Avoid single-use plastics and choose eco-friendly lodging and activities.